Ancient City of TROY-UNESCO World Heritage Site

Trojan HorseTroy, situated at a distance of 30 km from the Dardanelles. Troy, which had been founded in the year 3000 B.C., and was demolished and reconstructed nine times until the year 500 A.D. was inhabited incessantly for 3500 years. Troy I. which had been founded in the year 3000 B.C. was demolished in the year 2500 BC and Troy II. that was founded in its place, was brought to its end by a fire in the 2300's B.C. Troy III, IV.and V. were founded successively.

After these strata which were not indicative of a great deal of activity, Troy VI. was founded between the years 1800-1275 B.C. This Troy which is worthy of attention today with its city walls in good condition, was succeeded by Troy VII which is the stratum where the famous war was made. This stratum is divided into strata VIIa and VIIb respectively, and the Trojan war, which was the first war in the world between the east and the west, took place in Troy VIIa in the years of 1200 B.C.

Troy, also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner of Asia Minor. The legendary founder of the city was Ilus, the son of Tros, from whom the name was derived. The son and successor of Ilus was Laomedon, who was slain by the hero Hercules, when Hercules captured the city. During the reign of Laomedon's son Priam occurred the celebrated TroyTrojan War, which resulted in the capture and destruction of the city

During this war many people came to the aid of Troy from various places of Anatolia, but because of the trick of the "Wooden Horse", the city fell and Troy was burnt and destroyed. The Trojans who could save themselves from this massacre, built their city over again and kept on living there. Troy VIII. which followed Troy VII, acquired the properties of the Hellenistic period, and Troy IX became the Troy of the Roman period.Schliemann conducted excavations in Troy in 1870; following him, Dörpfeld and later in the year 1935, Blegen from America, continued the excavations there.
 The view from Hisarlık across the plain of Ilium to the Aegean Sea
Portion of the legendary walls of Troy (VII), identified as the site of the Trojan War (ca. 1200 BC)

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State Party  Turkey
Type Cultural
Criteria ii, iii, vi
Reference 849
Region** Europe and North America
Inscription history
Inscription 1998  (22nd Session)